"Да коалам в зоопарке живется тяжелее чем вам!" - такими словами ( и не только такими) Сагара Сосуке пытался поднять боевой дух регбистов из школьной команды.

Ну, в зоопарке - не уверен ;), а в природе коалам иногда приходится несладко. Особенно когда в Австралии стоит жуткая жара.
Поэтому коалы идут за помощью к людям.

Вот друг прислал письмо из Австралии.
Just to prove that not all Australians are silly.
It was very hot and normaly timid Koalas were pictured asking for water. It has never happened for me but I hear of accounts when thirsty animals approach people when desperate. These photos show two instances.

People get scared when a large animal or lizard approaches. This was after a week of a 120deg c heat wave.

I thought you would like it. One thing we have to watch for in the heat is if Funnel web spiders try to come indoors. There is a antivenan now available, so if you are not to far from help you have a good chance to survive. The most dangerous creature we have is the coneis shell a molusc, although the box jelly is bad. Australia can be inhospitable at times.

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